Sunrise: April 8, 1995.
Sunset: March 21, 2021
It is with heavy hearts and immeasurably sadness the Frankfort, Segbe and Goaneh families along with a host of other relatives announce the passing of their beloved Son, Nephew, Cousin and Brother, Urick Isaac Frankfort.
The sad event occurred on Sunday, March 21, 2021 – Urick had an asthma attack and went into cardiac arrest after performing his routine at a dance battle in Baltimore, MD.
Urick or “UU” as he was lovelingly called was born prematurely in Stone Mountain, GA weighing 1lb 11oz. Urick was a very respectful, always smiling young man who had an impact on many people will be dearly missed.
He is survived by his Mother (Jerusha Segbe), Father (Julius Goaneh); Sisters: Nadyne Segbe, Mackenzie Goaneh, Madisyn Goaneh and Morganne Goaneh; Brother Lazarus Segbe and bonus Brother Sampson Segbe; grand parents David Frankfort and Joyce Frankfort ; a host of Uncles, Aunts and Cousins.
Funeral Arrangements: April 16 – Wake (6pm – 9pm)
April 17 – Funeral (9am – 1:30pm)
Viewing: 9am – 10am
Service: 10am – 1:30pm
At People’s Community Evangelical Lutheran Church
6200 Loch Raven Boulevard
Baltimore MD 21239
Interment: Maryland National Memorial Park
13300 Baltimore Avenue
Laurel, MD 20707
- Jerusha Segbe (Mother) 410-564-4798
- Julius Goaneh (Father) 443-250-7596
- Roselyn Seplah (Aunt) 410-499-1763
- Theresa Charley (God Mother) 240- 481-1278
- Beatrice Sulureh (Aunt) 240-676-4375