Our Mother is gone to rest, and she will never be forgotten.
Sunrise: March 20, 1963 and Sunset December 9th, 2020
It is with great sadness that we announce the heavenly homegoing of our Mother, Grandmother, Aunt, Cousin, Wife, and Friend, Mrs. Elizabeth Sonpon Toe, also known as “Snortee”. She transitioned from mortally to immortality on Wednesday, December 9th, 2020 after a brief medical emergency at the Hartford Hospital in Connecticut, the United States of America. She was born in Grandcess, Grand Kru County, Liberia where she lived during her early childhood, and migrated to Ghana with her parents. She returned to Liberia as a teenager and later give birth to her children. In 2012, she joined her daughter, Mrs. Philomena Nagbe-Flomo, in the United States where she lives until her death.
She is survived and leaves to mourn by her husband, Mr. Paul Toe, her children: Rebecca Nagbe, followed by Philomena Nagbe Flomo, Patricia Nagbe, Pauline Toe, her two sons, Eric Nagbe and Barnaba Toe, her sisters, Munah Sonpon, Klonwon Sonpon, Mrs. Nancy Williams, grandchildren, and a host of other relatives and family member in Liberia and abroad.
We have the satisfaction and assurance that we shall see her again when we meet face-to-face beyond the veil!
Thanks to all who have blessed out “Mother” with love and kind affection during her time her with us!
Memorial and Funeral Services are as follows:
A Memorial Service will be held on Saturday, February 20, 2021 at 4:30 pm at Power House of Praise (Agape Center), 221 N. Chapel Hill Road, Sioux Falls SD 57103, U.S.A.
Due to Covid-19 guidelines and restrictions, social distancing and wearing of mask/face covering will be enforced.
Funeral and Buried in Liberia
Her remains will be taken to Liberia and undertaken will be caried out by St. Moses Funeral Pallor in Gardnersville, Montserrado county Liberia on March 18. and buried on March 27, 2021.
Church Funeral Service in Liberia
Funeral service is scheduled for Saturday, March 27th, 2021 at 11:00 AM at the St. Marys Catholic Church in Tweh Farm, District # 16, Bushrod Island, Monrovia, Liberia
Kaiser Memorial Lawn, Brewerville, District #17 Monrovia, Liberia
Please be advised that seating capacity is limited due to COVID-19 regulations. Mandatory social distancing and mask-wearing measures are required.
Mr. Paul Toe : +231 777 546 094 (Husband)
Mrs. Nancy Williams : +231 770 391 254 (Sister)
Ms. Rebecca Nagbe : +231 777 011 3645 (Sister)
Mr, Eric Nagbe : +231 777 535 1558 (Son)
Mrs. Philomena Nagbe Flomo – 011 860 796 2430 (Daughter)
Mr. Freeman QueTarpeh Flomo, Sr. – 011 860 593 8022 (Son -in-law)