Sunrise to sunset: December 22, 1960-February 09, 2023
The Burke’s & Deshield’s families regrets to announce the sudden death of Mr. Robert A. Burke Sr. who died at the age of 62, on the 9th day of February 2023 at ELWA Hospital after a brief illness.
Mr. Robert A. Burke Sr. leaves to mourn his wife Mrs. Lucretia M. Burke, seven (7) children, eleven (11) grandchildren, one (1) grate grand-child, beloved aunties Mrs. Sadie L. Deshield and Mrs. Sandra B. Johnson, brothers, sisters , including Matilda Goodlin of Woodbridge, Virginia , USA and other relatives in and out of Liberia.
Funeral Service of the late Mr. Robert A Burke, Sr. will be held at the ALFRED BUTLER FUNERAL Home Chapel on March 11, 2023 and follow by interment at the Knuckles Cemetery in Careysburg, Montserrado County, Liberia.
Robert A Burke, Jr- 0777590948
Matilda Goodlin, 5712386527
John Koiwood, 0770114567