With heavy hearts, the Nimene, Tumu, Wleh, and Brapoh families would like to announce the passing of their brother, uncle, nephew, and cousin, Mr. Alexander Weah Nimene, at home on Sunday, January 15, 2023.
Funeral Arrangements for the Late Alexander Weah Nimene are as follows:
Date: Friday, January 27, 2023
Place: Trinity United Methodist Church, Borough of New Kru Town, Bushrod Island, Monrovia
Time: 10:00 am – 12:30 pm
Interment immediately following the funeral services at Taylor Major Camp, Caldwell Sand Beach
Family Contacts
Mrs. Carrie Nimene Clinton – (832) 603-0294
Mr. James Nimene – (832) 287-0248
Mr. Lawrence Kennedy – (302) 256-1533
Ms. Jestina Tumu Johnson – (201) 344-1064
Dargbe Sayon Doe – 0777011265
James Kieh Nimene – 07702322804
Nyankun Togba – 07775858676
Margret Nimene – 0779061131