The Korpah and Slocum Family sadly announce the passing of Kweciena Korpah, AKA Moses Slocum
Sunrise: June 12, 1950
Sundown: December 12, 2023
Funeral services will be at the Christ Church New Brighton, 76 Franklin Avenue Staten Island, NY 10301
Wake: 01/12/24 (8:00 AM-10AM)
Funeral: 01/12/24 (10 AM-12:30 PM)
Interment: Ocean View Cemetery 3315 Amboy Road SI NY 10306
Repast: Crystal Ball Room-67 Olympia Blvd. Staten Island, NY 10305
Massa Gray: (347) 465-3465 (widow of the deceased)
Lorpu Korpah-Cisco (267) 992-3865
Geneva Slocum Morris (646) 953-3776
Joan Slocum: (614) 597- 4366
Foster Yates: (347) 829-1147
Hampton Inn & Suites 1120 South Ave Staten Island (347) 328-0561
Hilton Garden Inn 1100 South Avenue Staten Island (718) 477-2400
Ramada: 535 North Gannon Avenue Staten Island (888) 861-8331