September 16, 1957 – January 15, 2021
Psalm 23:4 “Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for thou rod and thy staff will comfort me”.
Darling Wynston, God saw you getting tired…so He put His loving arms around you and whispered in your ears, my son come to me. Your heart stopped beating and your hard-working hands took its rest. God broke our hearts to prove to us, that He and He alone deserves only the BEST.
It is with profound sorrow that our families, the Dunbars, Brandys, Earlys, Morgans, Blays, Coopers and his Delta Team announce the peaceful homegoing of our dear husband, father, grandfather, brother, uncle, cousin and friend Wynston E. Dunbar. He was affectionately known as honey (to Hawah), BroWyn, Uncle Wyn, Spike (Delta Family) and Chicken Dunbar to his Spartan Family. Our hearts may not have been ready but his wings were as he transitioned to be with his heavenly father and ancestors.
Wynston was employed with Delta Airlines for over 20 years. During his tenure with them, he exhibited exceptional work habits and held several positions until his retirement in October 2020. He was loved, admired and respected by many of his friends at Delta.
He leaves to cherish his memories his dedicated, committed and loving wife, Hawah Dunbar (Sisters-in-Love); children Garmai Dunbar Johnson (Randolph Johnson), Delano Dunbar, Doma Ellen Dunbar, Evon Dennis (Seth Dennis), Tikita Urey; grandchildren (Delanya Dunbar, Desaiah Lynch, Eden Dennis, Zion Dennis, Mckenna Dennis); two brothers Tilman Dunbar Jr. (Bindu Dunbar) and Prince Flowers (Nichol Flowers); sisters: Agnes Dunbar Peabody, Felicia Dunbar Yoryor (Justin Yoryor), Sophie Dunbar Bing, Jacqueline Dunbar Yeawolo, Joyce Gittens, Mai Dunbar, Maisie Dunbar and Cathy Eastman; a host of nieces, nephews, cousins and friends in the USA, Liberia and around the world. His parents the Late Counselor Tilman Dunbar Sr. and Mrs. Ellen Brandy Tate, and his oldest brother Fulton Dunbar predeceased him
Wynston will be laid to rest on Saturday, January 30, 2021 in Greensboro, NC. All those who wish to attend are welcome and advise to adhered to the current pandemic restrictions and CDC guidelines. The funeral service will be live stream; more details will be shared via Facebook prior to January 30th.
Service- Click this link to view the service on Saturday https://woodardfuneralhomeinc.com/woodard-live-funeral-video-stream/
Woodard funeral home- 3200 N O’Henry Blvd Greensboro, NC 27405
United States
Friday January 29, 2021
* Viewing 3pm-6pm
Saturday January 30, 2021
* Car pickup 8:30 am
* Visitation for family 9am-10am
* Service 10am-12pm
3600 N O’Henry Blvd
Greensboro, NC 27405
United States
1.) Comfort Suites
Group name: Dunbar Group
1102 Sedalia Crossing Ln
Gibsonville, NC 27377
United States
+1 (336) 888-8889
2.) DoubleTree Greensboro
Group Name: Dunbar Group
Booking Link: https://nam02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.hilton.com%2Fen%2Fbook%2Freservation%
3030 West Gate City Blvd. Greensboro, NC 27403
If they would rather call in their reservation they will need to use the code EDG. They can call the Central Reservation #1-866-910-3864.
For more details, please contact
- Hawah Dunbar (336) 988-6493
- Evon Dennis (336) 698-6361
- Agnes Dunbar Peabody (269) 861-4403
- Felicia Dunbar Yoryor (612) 508-2013
- Sophie Dunbar Bing (301) 461-9591
- Jackie Dunbar Yeawolo (904) 444-9718
- Mai Dunbar (714) 467-6505
- Tilman Dunbar, Jr. (703) 328-4192
- Maisie Dunbar (301) 675-5491
- Cathy Eastman (240) 277-1244
- Fuletha Dunbar (678) 262-8844