The Parsons, Penick, Bowier, Flammah & Wisseh families regret to announce the death of Diana C. Penick Wisseh. This sad event occurred on Friday, November 25, 2022, in the USA after a period of illness.
She is survived by her children: Rev. Conwell C. Bowier, Mrs. Saydah Inez Nimely, Bernetta S. Flammah (Pretty), George Meechen Flammah (Boyo) and Venise Flammah (Mayoupleh); several grandchildren, great grandchildren, nephews and nieces including Esther Ihionu, and a host of other relatives and friends (including her lifelong friends: Thelma Bright and Sylvia Grigsby; and her sons: Mr. Yaw Ayirebi and Dr. Vaylah Clinton ) in the USA and Liberia.
Celebration of Life Service:
December 17, 2022 at 10:00 AM
St. Philip’s Episcopal Church
522 Main Street
Laurel, MD 20707
Viewing: 9:00AM-10:00 AM
Maryland National Memorial-13300 Baltimore Avenue, Laurel, MD 20707
This announcement was brought in by Saydah Inez Nimely, daughter of the deceased on behalf of the family.
In lieu of flowers, the family asks that sympathizers and well-wishers donate to the American Cancer Society in memory/honor of their deceased loved one-Diana C. Penick Wisseh.
The Celebration of Life Service will be streamed live @ https://www.youtube.com/@st.philipsepiscopalchurchl9927
Dr. Vaylah Clinton- 240 694 9032
Mrs. Esther Ihionu – (240) 330-5390
Ms. Thelma Bright- (240) 338-4656
Ms. Sylvia Grigsby-(571) 274-1700