The Bernard, Urey, Johnson, Reeves, Garnett and Littell families announce with heavy hearts and profound sadness, the passing of their father, grandfather, brother, uncle, cousin, ex-husband and friend Archibald Fitzhubert Bernard, on Thursday, August 17, 2023. This heartbreaking and sudden event occurred at the ELWA hospital in Liberia, after a period of brief illness. He was a remarkable man whose legacy of kindness, strength and love will endure through time.
Archibald Fitzhubert Bernard, commonly called Archie or Red Archie, was born on August 24, 1954 to the union of William Thomas Bernard Sr. (Tommy) and Rachel Urey Johnson, in Monrovia, Liberia. Archibald was predeceased by his parents, sisters Aletha Johnson-Francis and Musu Bernard, brothers W. Thomas Bernard, Jr., Fred Bernard and David Bernard. He leaves to mourn his loss his ex-wife Brenda Bush Weeks and children Archel, Arch, Aisha, Alahna and Azara, his granddaughter Vivian, his siblings: Puchu (Leona), Murrey, Musu (Fred), Myrtle, Archibald F.( Black Archie), D. Thelma, Nejae, Vivian, William, Nancy, Nayubel, Jackie, Bernardo, James and Bendu, as well as a host of nieces, nephews, and other relatives and friends in Liberia and abroad.
Funeral Service for Archibald F. Bernard
Friday, September 8th at 10:00 am
First Presbyterian Church
Careysburg, Liberia
Streaming Links
Contacts in Liberia
Hon. Archibald Bernard – Brother 0881918866
Jackie Bernard – Brother 0770557379
Hon. Benoni Urey – Cousin 0886546733
Marie Urey Coleman Brown – cousin 0886423542
Mydea White Simmons – Cousin 0886511735
Contacts in the U S A
Myrtle Bernard – Sister 401 345 6567
Danielle T. Bernard – Sister 931 241 7805
Nejae Bernard Kromah – Sister 301 275 9357
Graydon Francis – Nephew 651 428 3016
Stanton B. Johnson – Cousin 801 232 4260
Rev Dr. Albert N. Nebo Jr. – Cousin 404 468 4239