Sunrise: November 17, 1957
Sunset: October 9, 2022
It is with sadness and heavy hearts that The Bishop, Johnson, Mason, Wheaton and Massaquoi families announce the passing of their beloved mother, grandmother, sister, aunty, niece and cousin, Ms. Ciata Antoinette Bishop. Ciata was the first of four children born to the union of Mr. Christian Bishop and Mrs. Fatu Johnson-Bishop on November 17, 1957, in Monrovia, Liberia .
This sad event occurred, on Sunday, October 9, 2022, at the residence of her beloved daughter Ms. Wanneh Dixon, after a long illness. Ciata was predeceased by her father Mr. Christian Bishop, her mother, Mrs. Fatu Johnson-Bishop, her sister Ms. Gloria Bishop and her brothers James and Gbacon Bishop.
Ciata, was affectionately called by her loved ones and peers, mommy, Tata B, Grandma, CAB, CEO, Ms. B, DG, You Geh, and ED. She leaves to mourn her passing, her daughter Wanneh Dixon, her son Charles Gardner, her brother Sodah, her sisters Somo, Zoe and Muneh Bishop, her two grandchildren, and a host of other relatives.
Funeral Service will be held on Saturday, November 5,2022 @ Holy Trinity Episcopal Church
1131 Mace Avenue
Essex, MD 21221
Services start at 11AM
Time: Nov 5, 2022 11:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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USA Contacts:
Wanneh Dixon (daughter) 678-608-6380
Charles Gardner (son) 702-755-1262
Somo Bishop (sister) 443-514-5106
Liberia Contacts:
Jonathan Mason +231 7777 39739
Audrey Zoe Bishop-Cooper-Johnson +231 7775-10204
Albert Johnson (cousin/brother) +231 7775 13824
Service in Liberia will be announced later.
This announcement is brought to you by Charles Hoffman, cousin of the deceased