Sunrise: February 18, 1940
Sunset: August 11, 2023
It is with great sadness that the Gibson, Brooks, Thomas, Davenport, Pratt, and Cooper families announce the homegoing of their beloved Father, Brother, Uncle, Grandfather, and Cousin, Mr. Horay Wilbert Gibson, Sr. He was 83 years old. “Boy Horay,” as he was affectionately called by close relatives and friends, passed away after a brief illness on Friday, August 11th, 2023, at St. Joseph’s Catholic Hospital, Congo Town, Monrovia, Liberia.
Horay W. Gibson was born in Harper City, Maryland County, unto the union of Mr. Randolph C. Gibson and Mrs. Mary J Brooks-Gibson. Horay W. Gibson graduated from The Booker Washington Institute, Kakata, Margibi County, Liberia, and was an employee of The Liberia Electricity Corporation for many years until he retired.
Horay W. Gibson was predeceased by his parents, Mr. Randolph C and Mrs. M J Brooks- Gibson, Siblings, Randolph Cassius, Edmund, Albertha Shannon, and Catherine Wisseh Suah.
The late Horay Gibson leaves to mourn his loss, His Ex-Wife Mrs. Bewu Thomas Gibson, Children: Danlett Gibson, Horay “Bentol” Gibson Jr., Wilbert C. Gibson, Cassius Gibson, William Gibson, Mona Gibson, and Samelia Wah. Siblings; Tryphena Onayibi, Aletha, Jackie, Magnus, Andrew, Sam, Rannette, Old Man, Robert, Christopher, Gwen, and Tony; Nieces: Rannett Wallace, Abiola, Julia, Philomena, Theoletha, Theoetta, Jennifer, Nephews: Philip, Olu, Ola, Thaddeus, James, Emmanuel and a host of grandchildren, great-grandchildren, cousins, relatives, friends, and his oldest Surviving Gibson Relative: Teta Annie Gibson-Hamilton.
Though we have heavy hearts, we find solace in knowing that Our Beloved Boy Horay is in a Better Place.
Wake Keeping: Viewing of the Body
Friday, August 25, 2023, from 5 pm – 7 pm
Location: The Samuel A Stryker Funeral Parlor, Monrovia
Removal of Body: Saturday, August 26th at 8: 000a.m at The Samuel A Stryker Funeral Parlor, Monrovia
Saturday, August 26, 2023, from 10:00 am – 12:30 PM
Location: Good Shepherd Episcopal Church; Paynesville, Monrovia, Liberia
Repast: Immediately following internment @ the deceased residence in ELWA.
Behind President George Weah’s Residence.
Horay Gibson ——— Tel. 919-395-6183
Wilbert Gibson ——- Tel. 919-520-9732
Mariestella Abiola Onabiyi——–Tel. 231-88-630-7807
Aletha Gibson-Cooper ———Tel. 231-77-045-6925