The book you always wanted to read, but could not find
By Michel Dioubate
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Laughter of a Crazy Man is a collection of over 20 thought-provoking upbeat short stories wrapped in side-splitting humor. It opens with a narrative on the Passover celebration of the secretive “Never-Die” church accused of being a sex cult.
Later, Stories recount eye witness experiences of the Phebe Hospital Massacre, the capture of Gbarnga, the capital of Greater Liberia during the Liberian civil war and a narrative of the near sinking of The Bulk Challenge, a ship with over 3000 souls running from urban warfare and street battles in Monrovia, Liberia that were refused refuge and forced to stay at sea for many days during the Liberian Civil War.
The stories show diversity from the tale of a guy born with three testicles which put him at an advantage he exploits to the account of a man who believes the problems he faces are karma for unspeakable atrocities committed as a child soldier during the war. Readers will enjoy a story of the triumph of a child with tetanus who survives despite all the odds in a broken hospital. In One Week with The General, a soldier details his fears when assigned as aide to a crazy warlord who kills without remorse and another tale, which is clearly a gem, chronicles the woe of a mentally ill patient seeking help from his psychiatrist to reclaim his foot that was “borrowed” by a professional soccer player.
There are several folkloric tales, a mythical creation story and a more scientific piece on the Ebola virus which explores urban legends on the origin of the outbreak in West Africa. While the time span ranges from prehistoric to recent and the settings go from the cities to villages, all the stories provoke laugh out loud humor. Throughout the book, there’s a recurring theme of triumph over adversity.
Some books are read only to kill time, others for pleasure but Laughter of a Crazy Man will inspire, teach and be read over and over again for the riveting characters who create fall on the floor laughter and conquer their challenges.
About the Author:
Michel Dioubate started writing as medical columnist in a local newspaper while publishing stories under a pen name. His experiences working in the rural areas during the Liberian civil war influenced many of these stories. Not counting an unpublished memoir of his mother, this is his first literary publication. He’s a physician with background in public health and tropical medicine.
Laughter of a Crazy Man