Michael Abu DaviesThe death is announced in his 58th year of Michael Abu Davies. This mournful event occurred at...
Death Announcement
Death Announcement
Mrs. Annie Kamah WoheelMay 7, 1952 – August 21, 2022 I have fought the good fight, I have finished the...
Jerryline Sia Phillips-PewaProverbs 31:30 – 31 Charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting but a woman who fears the...
Theresa Evelyn Griffiths HardyJanuary 27, 1934 – August 13, 2022 Theresa Evelyn Griffiths Hardy, affectionally known as “TG,” departed this...
Mrs. Nyemadeh Laura Alida Wilson-KennedyThe Kennedy, Clemens, Smith, and Wilson Families announce with profound sadness the homegoing of their beloved wife,...
Celebration of Life of Mrs. Nellie Zoe Monica Carter GreenfieldHotels
Mr. Adolph F. Brown, Sr.SUNRISE 3/20/1938 TO SUNSET 8/22/2022 With profound sorrow, the Brown, Logan, and Brumskine families announce the...
MILEN O. KING (PRINCE)Sunrise: April 9, 1953 – Sunset: August 22, 2022 Isaiah 12:2: Behold, God, my Salvation! I will...
ROBERT JONATHAN WITFIELD ELLIS, III began May 11, 1965 – Ended August 12, 2022 “…The strife is o’er, the battle...
Theresa Naadja Mills NealGranted to us but for a season, the Good Lord has called his Angel home. The Neal...