The Elsar, Kiazolu and Ware Families, witth profound sadness hereby announce the passing of Yatta Sata Kiazolu Elsar, who transitioned into eternal life on Monday, March 15, 2021 at the Bayhealth Hospital in Dover, Delaware (USA)
Yatta Sata Kiazolu Elsar was born on Monday April 24, 1978 in Montserrado County Liberia, into the union of Tenneh Manobah Kiazolu and Daouda Kiazolu. Yatta was surrounded by members of both sides of her family at the time of her passing.
She is survived by her husband, Stephen Elsar Sr; her children Elphena, Stephen Jr, and Eddie Elsar as well as her siblings, cousins, nieces, nephews, uncles, aunts, in-laws, and many other well cherished relatives.Please take note of the following events.
Wake/Viewing will be held on Friday April 9th 2021 6pm to 9pm
Funeral will be held on Saturday April 10th 8am-12 noon.
Please Be on time as seats are limited due to covid 19 restrictions.
Wake/Viewing and Funeral will both be held at:
48 East Commere Street
Smyrna, DE 19977
Burial Follows at the
St. Peter’s Cemetery.
North Main St.
Smyrna DE 19977
Follows there after at the
Understanding Life Center (Church)
100 South Bassett Street
Clayton DE 19938
Please Contact any of the following numbers for if needed