Sunrise – May 31, 1958- Sunset – May 17,2023
I have fought a good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge will award me on that day-and not only me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing.
It is with deep sadness here on earth and with great joy in heaven as we the Cooper, Wright, Obey and Massaquoi families announces the pasting of our beloved father, brother, uncle and cousin and friend Mr. Leon Eugene Cooper. This sad event occurred on May 17, 2023 at the Penn State University Hospital, Pennsylvania USA
Leon attended the W. H. Taylor Kindergarten school in Arthington and later Arthington Central High School. He also attended the J. J. Ross High School after relocating to Monrovia to live with his mother.
The Late Leon Eugene Cooper, Sr. was born unto the union of Mr. Reed Cooper and Mrs. Edna Obey Massaquoi in Monrovia, Liberia on May 31,1958. He was predeceased by both of his parents, Mr. Reed Cooper and Edna Obey Massaquoi, his brothers Leslie and Nathaniel and his sister Yolanda.
He leaves to cherish his memory his children Eugene Coope Jr, Elvis Bobello Cooper, Elijah Cooper, Othello Leeto Cooper. His grand children Elvis Cooper, Eugene Cooper, Janice Cooper and Leona Cooper.
His significant other of 11 years Patricia Turey. His Siblings Fasia T. M. Jackson (Eric Jackson), Selma Massaquoi, Irene H.M. Lolin (Tito), Shadrack Slehtoe, Chea (Margret Chea) and Viola Ophelia Massaquoi, His aunt Viola Obey Caphart, His favorite cousin Diamond Banks Bryant (Borsay Bryant) a host of relatives and friend in Liberia, United States of America and throughout the world.
A Memorial Service for the late Evangelist Leon Eugene Cooper will be held on Saturday, July 8, 2023
Turning Point United Methodist Church
15 South Broad Street
Trenton, New Jersey 08608
Time: 9am -11am
The body of Evangelist Leon Eugene Cooper will be taken to Liberia on July 10, 2023 and deposited at the St. Moses Funerial Home.
Funerial Service in Liberia
Friday, July 14, 2023, Quiet Hour
Saturday, July 15,2023 Removal
Funeral Service Frist Baptist Church Oldest Congo Town
Contacts: USA
Fasia Massaquoi Jackson Sister 609-6387664
Viola O. Massaquoi Sister 609-851-9062
Diamond Banks Bryant Cousin 609-401-0728
Contacts Liberia
Selma Massaquoi Sister 011213775838164
Irene Massaquoi Sister 011213886240159
Shadrack Chea Brother 011231880802126
Eugene L Cooper Son 011213888674515
Elvis Bello Cooper Son 250792109777
Elijah Tito Cooper Son 011231886432064
Othello Lito Cooper Son 011231888222324