DOB 6/25/1964 – 12/28/2023
The Flomo, Kianken, and Unity Society of Sarbo families announce the death of Mrs. Regina Flomo. This sad event occurred on Thursday, December 28, 2023 at the Christiana Hospital in New Castle, Delaware, USA.
She leaves to mourn her loss, her son Jeline Blah Dixon, 14 siblings, including Sylvester Wah, here in the United States, Uncles, extended family , members the Unity Society of Sarbo and friends.
Wake keeping will be held on Friday, February 9th, 2024 at 201 North Gray Avenue, Wilmington Delaware, USA,19805, from 7:00pm to 9:00pm.
Funeral service:
The funeral service will be held on Saturday, February 10th, 2024 from 9:00am to 11:00am, at the Congo Legacy Church located at 501 West 28th Street, Wilmington, Delaware 19805, USA.
Burial takes place immediately thereafter at Graceland Memorial Park cemetery.
2220 North DuPont Highway, New Castle, Delaware 19720.
All tributes will be paid at the wake keeping and during the repass.
Contributions can be made through the following methods:
1. Cashapp address:$Unity Society of Sarbo.
2. Zell Information: Geebly Sungbe 404-538-0925.
3. Wells Fargo Bank Checking Account number: 3624076091.
Contacts: USA.
Geebly Cecelia Sungbeh…404-538-0925
David N. Johnson…………..443-831- 5343
Augustine Socree…………..302-510- 9584
Sylvester Wah………………..240- 421-5724
Victoria Wah………………. 0775706475
Evon God favor Wah……08865582016
Sarah Wah ………………… 0770532675
Submitted by
Rev. Thomas G Johnson
(Secretary: USS-USA)