SUNRISE: April 1, 1957
SUNSET: July 11, 2023
Blessed are they that mourn, for they shall be comforted. Mathew 5:4.
The Browne, Prowd and Harris families with profound sadness announce the death in his 66th year of their brother, husband, uncle, and cousin, Mr. Henry Nyema Browne.
This sad event occurred on Tuesday, July 11, 2023, at the Gateway Medical Clinic in Congo Town, Monrovia, Liberia.
Up to his demise, he worked as the Technical Director at the Liberia Football Association (LFA), and also as a Professor of Biology and Chemistry at the Stella Maris University in Monrovia.
He is survived by his Wife, Mrs. Angelance Harris-Browne, his children: Mrs Henriette Browne Johnson (Richard) and Henry Nyema Browne Jr., his sisters; Ms. Philenea Browne, Sister Mary Laurene Browne OSF, Ms. Sharon Browne, Ms. Cecelia Browne, Mrs. Pamera Browne-Negassa, Ms. Joyce Browne, Mrs. Davidetta Browne-Lansanah and Ms. Patience Browne, his brothers; Mr. Christie Browne, Mr. Edwin Browne, Mr. Leo T. Browne, Mr. Martin N. Browne Sr. (Omega), Mr. David A. T. Browne (Yolanda), Mr. Emmanuel Browne, Mr. Romeo Browne and Mr. Patrick Bowman. Several nieces, nephews, cousins, friends and a host of other relatives in Liberia, the USA, and other parts of the world.
REMOVAL: Friday, August 18, 2023, Samuel Stryker Funeral Home, 24th St., Sinkor, Liberia at 8:00am.
WAKE KEEPING: Friday August 18, 2023
Sacred Heart Cathedral, Broad St, Monrovia, Liberia at 9:00am.
FUNERAL MASS: Friday, August 18, 2023.
Sacred Heart Cathedral, Broad St., Monrovia, Liberia at 10:00am.
INTERMENT: Shaita Flowers and Vault, Careysburg, Upper Montserrado County, Liberia.
Repast will be announced at the funeral.
Tubman TV will bring you live coverage of all the ceremonies.
This announcement was brought in by Mr. Martin N. Browne Sr., brother of the deceased on behalf of the family.
May his Soul and the Souls of All Faithful Departed through the Mercy of God, Rest in Perfect Peace, Amen!!!
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