Happy 175th Independence Day Mama Liberia
1847 – 2022
Poem by Ansu O. Dualu
I am a Liberian
I am a Liberian.
My domain stretches from the coastal plains of Cape Palmas to the grand heights of Cape Mount; up the rocky hills of Montserrado.
I claim L.I.B. because she’s all mine!
From the mighty Wologisi, higher up the snow-capped peaks of Nimba – my navel strings are buried deep within her endless rainforest.
I am because Liberia is, Liberia is because I am!
I am a Liberian.
Not because I am a Belle, Kissi or Mandingo; but because I war dance as a Mano, Lorma and Bassa.
Oh yes, the Kpelle, Gio and Gola dabble in the traditions of our ancestors, but
if you were to listen keenly, you will also feel the ancient rhythm of the Krahn, Grebo, Kru and the Gbandi.
Not too far in the distance, the Congua, Dei and Vai sing along in one accord!
I am a Liberian.
I belong no tribe, yet I belong to them all – my Liberian fraternity is total!
We stand in absolute brotherhood because the love of liberty unites us here.
True, my allegiance is to no clan, no individual group or established “societies” but to All Hail, Liberia Hail.
I am a Liberian.
Allah, Jesus or our Ancestors may define my religion; yet my loyalty to Liberia remains indivisible.
Politics will not separate me from this one fact, nor will this Free Verse cover the entirety of my Liberian-ness.
Yes, the drumbeats of my village draw me closer, but my soul remains unequivocally clear in its proclamations: I am purely and unapologetically, Liberian.
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