SUN RISE: JANUARY 19, 1962 – SUN SET: JULY 16, 2022
“…So teach us to number our days aright, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom..” Ps. 90:12
The Trobel, Lymas, Moore, Hulin, Clinton and White families announced with profound sadness the passing away of their Daughter, Sister, Cousin Ms. Alitte Benetta Trobel who departed this world to rest with the Lord on July 16, 2022 at the John F. Kennedy Medical Center in Sinkor, Monrovia, Liberia after a brief illness. She leaves to mourn her Children Alexis Lisa Yancy and Daniel F. Kodjuah. Her Grandchildren, Siblings, Nieces, Nephews, Cousins and host of other relatives and friends in the USA, Liberia, England, Germany, Canada and Ghana.
The body will be removed from the St. Moses Funeral Parlor on Friday, August 12, 2022 at 11:00 am and escorted to the Mount Calvary Baptist Church in New Series (Kingsville), Grand Bassa County, R.L. where Wake keeping will be from 8:00 pm to 6:00 am. Funeral Service will be held at the same venue on Saturday, August 13, 2022 at 10:00 am. Internment follows immediately at the Mount Calvary Baptist Church’s Cemetery in New Series. Repast will be held at the City Hall, Edina City, Grand Bassa County, R.L. ALL TRIBUTES WILL BE PAID AT THE WAKE except for Churches, The Community and Immediate Family.
Rev. Hiliary L. Lymas (Burline) …. 347-223-6120
Ms. Elizabeth Danielmar Trobel …347-769-3360
Mr. Alexander Moore, Sr. – 917-504-0655
Mrs. Esther Clinton-Dennis – 862-215-3254
MS. Thelma Annie Lymas – 011-231-770-753-946
Ms. Rebecca Wokie Lymas – 011-231-778-474-248
Mr. Daniel F. Kodjuah – 011-231-776-803-370
Ms. Theodosia White – 011-231886493668
Contributions can be made via Cashapp: $BurlineSmith (646-424-1929)